>> Lavazza Super Crema Espresso Whole Bean Coffee, 2.2-Pound Bag

Lavazza Super Crema Espresso Whole Bean Coffee, 2.2-Pound Bag

Lavazza Super Crema Espresso Whole Bean Coffee, 2.2-Pound Bag


About Lavazza Super Crema Espresso Whole Bean Coffee, 2.2-Pound Bag:

The Lavazza super crema, whole bean, 2.2 pound bag are a premium blend of 80% sweet arabicas and 20% robustas producing a rich, intense flavor with a thick espresso crema that holds up well in cappuccinos and lattes. Super crema can also be used with all other brewing methods for an extremely rich, flavorful coffee.

Features Lavazza Super Crema Espresso Whole Bean Coffee, 2.2-Pound Bag:

  • A blend of smooth Brazilian coffees, Central American milds and delicate sweet Indonesian varieties.
  • Supercrema delivers a velvety crema and a long-lasting taste.